Friday, 26 May 2017
3C) meeting with group Final idea
group meeting
As a group of 4,we had to do a idea pitch to each other,so we could see what everyone's ideas were. After the idea pitch we had to decide which idea we are create for our suite of ident ;so we had decided to combine Calvin and Maya's ideas together because they have similarities which can be used to create the suite of ident.
Theme: Diversity and Lifestyle
The reason we chose Lifestyle and Diversity as our theme for the suite of idents. As student at CTK we discovered that CTK is more than education and great results, it's about the culture of CTK, such as ethnic group and how people values of the school.
We also chose Diversity as the school welcome all different type of gender, race/ethnicity, language, disability/ability, social class and religion etc. This is to show that we are a safe and welcoming place for prospective students to come and study to succeed they want in life. It's also to show that we are against discrimination.
Idea 1: Art
Idea 2: Media students (green screen room, mac room etc.)
Idea 3: Enrichment/Community Day (Dance/Fashion Show)
Idea 4: Sport
Tone: Lively, Energetic and Vibrant
Brand Identity: Purple (Logo of CTK + purple means independence and devotion)
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
Monday, 22 May 2017
4AResources attached to budget (costume, props, equipment hire/purchase + who's responsibility and where your will source it (eBay, amazon screen shot etc)
Resources attached to budget (costume, props, equipment hire/purchase + who's responsibility and where your will source it (eBay, amazon screen shot etc)
When it comes to resources that may be needed and may cut into our budge, there are a couple of things that need to be considered. We will be using a lot of cardboard and paper in order to build sets for our production.
The prize of paper is around 3 pound as seen on the Morrison website and cardboard boxes are about a pound each.
However, since we are on a low budget, we will be cutting down in as many areas as possible. As a result we would generally get paper from school and cardboard from either our houses, or stores which would alternatively be throwing them away.
Another thing we would have to spend money on is equipment hire. This would include lighting, a camera, a tripod and the renting out of an editing suit.
The prize of a camera is 30 pounds a day. We would most likely rent it out for 2 days with a optional third day for pick up shots. This would make a total of 60-90 pound for camera rental alone.
As you can see from below, an editing suit is around £550 a day and it may take a total of 2 full days in order to edit the footage. That would come to a total of £1100 for editing.

Finally, the last two items would most probably be cheaper to buy rather than rent. Therefore the price of a tripod is roughly £20, while three lights (For three point lighting) would come to £3.36. This is a total of £23.36.
However, since we attend a collage, we can take out equipment for free as well as editing suit time.
Therefore,the total price of equipment would probably be nothing.
All the items on this list would usually come to roughly between £1,190.00 and £1,220.00. However, our changes have reduced them by a lot and so we probably won't surpass £50. The only real cost would probably be food. This will probably be around 10 pounds per shooting days, to keep the actors happy.
4a) crew rolesLegislation & regulation or technical broadcast constraints
Roopa - producer
Shanee- DOP
Calvin- editor/ assistant director
Maya- director
Crew roles and Skills Profile (requirements of the role and why your skills CV matches this)
Shanee- DOP
Calvin- editor/ assistant director
Maya- director
Crew roles and Skills Profile (requirements of the role and why your skills CV matches this)
Roopa (Producer/lighting technical)
The producers responsibility is to make sure that everything is in check such as the budget costs and more this can range to buying camera equipment, hiring make up artists, renting out studios to edit out voice overs or edit footage and they also have a responsibility for renting whole areas which can cost a fortune.
I will need to write an risk assessment on the locations that we are going to be using to film our suite of ident because there is could be hazards that could end with one of the crew getting hurt so it is important to take photos of it so we can avoid it when it comes to filming.
The producers responsibility is to make sure that everything is in check such as the budget costs and more this can range to buying camera equipment, hiring make up artists, renting out studios to edit out voice overs or edit footage and they also have a responsibility for renting whole areas which can cost a fortune.
I will need to write an risk assessment on the locations that we are going to be using to film our suite of ident because there is could be hazards that could end with one of the crew getting hurt so it is important to take photos of it so we can avoid it when it comes to filming.
Maya is our director and the most important crew member as it is her idea. the director has to make the storyboard by looking through the song and discussing with the client and find out what he wants for the concept.
As we are doing a linear narrative with perfomance,Maya has to decide where we will film and camera angle/movement are going to be used.
She will have to do the location recee as she is planning the overall shoot.
The director has total control of the whole shooting period as it is their job is make sure that everything runs according to their plan because deadlines cost a lot which could make the production budget smaller.
Filming is very serious and it applies to every single camera operator in the world it can be so easy to mess up this is why it is important for people working with camera to stay focused when filming there part.
Assistant director and editor-Calvin
Calvin is going to be the editor and assistant director because it is best suited to him as he has experience and passion for video editing.He has used many different types of video editing software at home such as Sony Vegas Pro,Adobe After Effects,Cinema 4D and Boujou. He personally think Final Cut Pro X is limited for someone with extraordinary creativity.
The role of an assistant director on a film includes tracking daily progress against the filming production schedule,preparing daily call sheets, checking cast and crew, and maintaining order on the set or location.
The director has total control of the whole shooting period as it is their job is make sure that everything runs according to their plan because deadlines cost a lot which could make the production budget smaller.
DOP(director of production)- Shanee
camera operator are vital to filming footage as they capture the various of shots such as close up,mid shot long shot and many more shot.
The camera operator is in control of all of the equipment,so if it breaks, they will be sued which could ruin their careers.
When deciding what roles of my crew will do, I picked Shanee for the role of DOP(director of photography) because she has experience with the use of the camera and she is able to change the framing, create depth of field, composition of each shot and how different camera movement/angles can reflect the tone that is required for filming our music video as visuals are more important than the track overall.Filming is very serious and it applies to every single camera operator in the world it can be so easy to mess up this is why it is important for people working with camera to stay focused when filming there part.
Assistant director and editor-Calvin
If your video is boring,you will start to lose viewers which is not good for the exhibit/distribution stage because you would have wasted your time on producing the film as you will either receive bad reviews or not be shown in film festivals for not meeting the right requirement that is asked of it.
Calvin is going to be the editor and assistant director because it is best suited to him as he has experience and passion for video editing.He has used many different types of video editing software at home such as Sony Vegas Pro,Adobe After Effects,Cinema 4D and Boujou. He personally think Final Cut Pro X is limited for someone with extraordinary creativity.
The role of an assistant director on a film includes tracking daily progress against the filming production schedule,preparing daily call sheets, checking cast and crew, and maintaining order on the set or location.
Legislation & regulation or technical broadcast constraints (copyright issues and where you will sources these from, technical broadcast requirements colour safe and resolution, Permissions and Shooting Licences)
We will also need to get Permission from all of the actors with the use of a talent release. This will be given to each of the people on shoot and so they can sign it in agreement to be being filmed. Therefore, we will not get in trouble later on for shooting someone without there permission. This is particular when it comes to people passing by. This is because under 'the european convention on human right and the human rights act 1998' everybody has a right to respect of their private life. This means that it is against the law to record people passing by, without there permission unless the image is unclear or the individuals face has been obscured. This is even more strict when it comes to children and it is completely unacceptable to publish anything including a child without the content of the child or there guardian. This is particularly important to us as we are filming in a school which consists a lot of minors that we may need to get consent from and can wonder around in the background. If we were to film in a place with a lot of people passing by, then we will shut off the area, to ensure that nobody walks past in the background. We must also watch out for the image in which we are giving across from our students as defamation stops us from giving out information that is untrue and give out a negative image about the subject, as it could effect them in there everyday life. Therefore, if we showed a negative image about our students, it could effect all of them. For example, it may prevent them getting a job.
There are a number of health and safety issue when it comes to the production of a product like this. One may be the chance of someone getting hurt during the shoot. This can happen in many ways, for example, if someone is to trip and fall on a hazard of the location. There will be a variety of different procedures and acts put in place to ensure that this does not happen. One example is a Risk Assessment being underwent before filming on any one location. This will consist of someone who is a member of the production group – most probably the producer – going to the location and looking at the possibly risks. They will thoroughly identify all of the possible risks of that location no matter how small the risk is. They will then evaluate the risks on their level of risk (High, medium, low) and identify any measures that will need to be taken in order to prevent the risks from becoming a hazard. If we were to be filming on a road, for example, we would get the necessary documentation in order to close it, therefore taking away the risk of someone on shoot getting hurt. All of this will be documented. The health of both the production group and any actors included in the production will also need to be taken into consideration. They will get regular breaks in between scenes and be given essentials such as fluids and food in order to ensure the best health for them. One health and safety issue which may occur during the production of this particular project is a member of the public being hurt or injured. If the necessary steps to ensure that this does not happen does not help then we are supplied, by our school, with public liability insurance and so will not have to pay out any unnecessary funds.
We will need to get shooting licences in order to shoot on location. Since the main location is our school, the producer will need to go to the head and get permission to shoot on location but that generally won't be a problem. If we were to shoot on another location, we would need to get permission from someone in charge such as the cancel. There may also be problems of the location chosen which wasn’t there before. For example, it could be closed or whether may effects this. Various things can be done to put this right. For example, for each location, there will be a contingency location encase the other location isn’t up to scratch. Therefore, we will never be short of locations and the shoot will all go to plan. Another thing that may help with this particular problem is a Production Schedule which will detail all information needed when it comes to shooting. For example, the times we will be filming etc. In this, there will be time included if things do not go to plan. For example, although the production plan will include the checking of weather, it could suddenly begin to rain. Therefore, we might have to stop filming and come back another day, which will be worked into our production schedule. On top of this, a script will be produced which will detail shoots and save time. Any changes can then be noted down along the way.
Copyright law also protects buildings according to section 62 of the copyright, designs and patents act 1988. It states that we do not need permission to film a building. However, this is with the exception of the 3D reproach that we are going to take. This means that we will need to get permission to film on the school grounds, as well as each of the individual locations. This is especially since the school is a 'visible trademark.' This also applies to the use of the school logo, which we have already received through the client. As seen before, deformation also applies to the image of the school and sending off an untrue and offensive one may result in
Copyright law also protects buildings according to section 62 of the copyright, designs and patents act 1988. It states that we do not need permission to film a building. However, this is with the exception of the 3D reproach that we are going to take. This means that we will need to get permission to film on the school grounds, as well as each of the individual locations. This is especially since the school is a 'visible trademark.' This also applies to the use of the school logo, which we have already received through the client. As seen before, deformation also applies to the image of the school and sending off an untrue and offensive one may result in
There are also a lot of legal and regulatory or technical broadcast constraints which will need to be taken under consideration. For example, if we were to include any signs or props which are owned, we would need to get permission. This is also the use of songs, for example, if we were to use any songs then we would either get permission or have royalty free or self-made music as a contingency plan. All of this will be broken down when looking at the script of the project to ensure that this does not become a problem. This also goes for shooting locations. Every location will be ensured to have permissions or we will go to our contingency plan.
A final production problem is the technical broadcast requirement of using colour safe colours and the correct resolution. This may be a problem because some colours don’t display well. This and the resolution will result in a product of lesser quality. This will, again, all be broken down within’ the script and story board to ensure that all of the colours used on script are alright to use.
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
Thursday, 11 May 2017
Wednesday, 3 May 2017
5b) Write a series of production diary
Task 5b) Write a series of production diary posts that reflects on your creative decision-making outcomes under the following headings: i.meeting deadlines; (weekly diary of progress to schedule) ii.quality management; (meeting to discuss the production quality and fitness for purpose of each of the idents - what will be discussed/renegotiated with client before production starts) Team working; (weekly team log of contributions and management of the production)
(11/03/17)- Preparing for meeting with client.
Meeting deadline
On Tuesday the 11th
today we was giving a the official brief
from the client about producing an ident for Christ the King Sixth Form. The
First thing i had to do was annotated the brief in two section of nature and
demands which we was giving 10-15 minutes to do that. Even-though i had 10-15
minutes i found quite hard as like to take my time on reading things so i get a
clear understanding what the brief is asking me to do but i still kept to
deadline of annotated the brief on time. By doing this i find this technique
very useful when working towards a brief as i got a better understanding.
Another thing that required to meet deadlines was that my
group and i had 10 mins to discuss anything on brief such as, what type of
brief it is e.g, formal, negotiation and commission what are the nature and
demands of the brief. By doing this we stick
to the deadline of time scheduling and made sure that we was prepared.
Today we also done teamwork and made little progress on
coming up with ideas about the brief and possible outcomes such as, suit of
idents and the duration of each ident. also we can up with question we might
ask the client.
(19/03/17)- planning
Meeting deadline
Today i was preparing for my pitch for the client and my
group to talk about my potential idea to the camera. For my pitch i had 5
minutes to deliver my pitch to my team. Also we had to answer question on why
my idea is suitable for brief such as,
why is it creative? Overall i found it harder as i had 5 minutes to go through
my idea.
Quality Management
Today i had discuss my idea to the team for each idents.
After the pitch my team like my idea and can be improve. Then i listen to other
idea and really like Calvin idea as it more about diversity. After each pitch
we decided that we was going to combined Calvin's and Maya’s idea. We had a
little meeting discussing our idea and how we going to develop it.
Team Work
Today Young Empire work well as a team as we patient with
each other ideas and we all time each other so we did not go over our pitch. We
work well together however we had some disagreements on how was going to edit
the pitch on each idea for each person on their blog. After 5 minutes Shanee
was going to do for us and we was very thankfully for that. We also split up
each section for production log.
(20/03/17)-(19/04/17)- Production Log
Quality Management
Today Young Empire discuss and had a group meeting on
updates on our production log and had meeting on our idea. During this process
we had a bit of difficulties on our idea as it was to complicated and we need
to simplified it. After 1 hour we came up with idea and themes such as, colour
splash- purple for brand identity.
Today Young Empire work ok as a team as we all had some
input in our final idea. Even though we had a huge agreement on our idea as
some say it unrealistic e,g, Roopa and calvin so we came up with idea that we
all like and was doable to the deadline. I wrote each idea and we are going to
see in each idea.
Meeting deadline
Today Young Empire we finished the production plan we all
the information in the pack. When it came to delivering i final idea to the
client we meet up before hand and plan our pitch as team and we all had
something to say. However, the thing we can all improve was time management as
we had 5 minutes to go through production log and in some we run out of time so
explain it briefly. Overall i think we did not not panic and we was able to go
through all the sections in time given.
26/04/17-(03/05/17)- Pre Production
Meeting deadline
Today we complete the pre-production work with all the task
to go with and filled in much detail. we also spitted up the work between the
producer, camera operator, editor and direct and on time we deliver it and put
in a pack ready for the client to look at. Overall I think it went well as we
stick to time.
Today we work well as team as we all complete our task in
detail we also had meetings to keep us up to data with our pre-production work and we all help each
other out if its needed. Also we had contributed to the task such as, the
storyboard. We had to make individual storyboard such as Calvin done the dance
ident storyboard, Shanee done the crime scene, Roopa done football ident
storyboard and i done the art exhibition storyboard. On top that we had our own
part to do.
Quality Management
Today we manage our time very well as we had regular meeting
on the pre-production in class and outside class. We also done a check list to
see what task we have complete and what task we need to complete before the
deadline. Due to my part i think my time management was good but i think it
could be better as was quite slow at doing risk assessment however, i stick to
the deadline and i got it done on time.
Shooting plan
Monday -
media 10:20 -12:10
Art - 2:30-4:00
Tuesday -
Media/ art 2:15-4:00
Wednesday -
Football / dance (maybe) 8:50-4:00
Thursday -
Dance - 10:20-12:10
Any touch ups.
Due to this schedule we had a few ups and down as we did not
stick to our schedule as we doing some computer software and watch tutorial how
to animate footage or pictures to make come alive. Although we filmed early for
the crime scene one.
8/05/17-12/05/17 – filming idents stage
Meeting deadline
Today Young Empire film our media ident which thriller. As
we meet our talent and our team at Christ the King sixth form college and to
film the whole ident in 40 minutes. By this we made a time schedule in order to
stick to deadline. I felt we all put effort to stick to deadline and we achieve
it. Overall, thing that I would like to change next come in early to set the
equipment up faster as we spent more time setting up equipment and going
through the script.
Young Empire Quality
Management was very good as we had a group meeting the Friday discussing all
the props we need to make this ident realistic. For each ident that we planned
we make sure we have props planned before shoot. For example, for the media
ident later down the line we change our ident as we did not feel like it would
work so went for a thriller approach which it felt with our theme and ident for
3 ident. For getting ready for this shoot we had meeting before hand on what we
are going film with our talent and what props needed for this ident. For example, scars as we made it ourselves to
make it realistic and it work.
Young Empire work well as a team as we help each with
filming and direction of the ident. My role was direction as I help direct the
talent for each ident. We all work as
team as we keep an eye out for time as had strict deadline for each ident
location. We boosted each up when got frustrated at each other a lot. We did
this by having a time out and going through our storyboard and our AV Script.
We all took time on recording the talent for ident and started to rough cut
each one. However, we had difficulties in getting footage as the person that
had the SD card was not in so we could edit one of the rough cut; by this it
delay our editing.
12/05/17-19/05/17 editing stage
Quality Management
Today our management was great to start with as each person
in our group took each ident to edit using software such as Photoshop and after
effects. As I done the peacock ident, shanne done crime scene ident, Calvin
done the dance one and Roopa is doing football edit for ident. As the week ends
we realise that animation was quite time consuming with the rotoscoping every
frame and yu have to be patient with it. We had meeting on each lesson how much
have done each lesson. However, some took long then other which slow down the
Today we started editing this week and my deadline was to
finished my peacock this week and I meet that deadline and started to rotor-scope
which took me a long time as we realise that we took a long time to rotor-scope
which was major minor in our editing stage. As we was still editing after a
week we had a meeting to discuss that we not doing rotor-scope no more just
animation as it was quicker and less time consuming . However the process was
delay as we had to put all our work on Webley up to data.
Today we work ok as a team with helping each with editing
each ident and getting guideless from Calvin however we has some argument with
editing stage as some were taker long than other e.g me as I was going in detailed
with my peacock so they were complaining that I should move faster so Thursday
I started to do the rest of the ident which took long. Also during this week we
help each other find a suitable soundtrack that suits each ident. However we
found a soundtrack that suited 3 ident but not one of ident. After that
soundtrack did not fit we look for another soundtrack and fitted 4 idents.
20/05/17- 24/05/17 – feedback up to data
Today I went to do some of my correction from the feedback
from the teacher as working on 2b
&2c add some more detailed also I form my group that Improve my bit for 2b
and they need to up data their parts. We also had a meeting to say when is it
going to be up data and we agreed by tonight. For my weebly I put on my work on
the website task 1-4 and continued working on my animation for Christ the
Quality management
Today I went over the brief and see what task needs to be on
my weebly and correct on my blog as I found I need improve task 2b&c as
well as task 3 and 4. My teacher gave my grade for each task. I had a team
meeting with my group and took notes what need improve and what is done. After
lesson I started to upload my task 4 and 3 onto weebly. Also I check what task
that need more time correction and what steps can make it to finish it on time
to deadline. Today we had meeting on
updates of our work due to weebly and our animation
Today we work on getting our work up to data by adding more
information. We had a meeting on which part we ach going to improve for
contribution task. For example, I add more to mine part and shanne part, Roopa
is adding her bit and improving and when they are done put on their blogs.
Today we work very well as communication has improve and we all help each with
the animation and update with weebly.
Overall I think the whole process was time consuming and
little bit difficult. I think we work well together but our communicating skill
could be improved. The thing we could d better the next time was to know what
we was doing as roto-scope was not working for us as now we did animation
instead, so we wasted a week roco-scoping when we did not used it
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