Saturday, 18 February 2017

3C- 4 Idents similarity and differences

Suits of Idents 

In this report I am going to be explain the similarity and differences between 4 different idents and what are the limitation and opportunity of the ident. The 4 idents I am going to explain is BBC1, MTV Classic and Kerrang and channel 4 base on the theme, brand identity, tone and how it appeal to the audience.

Theme is a title or a concept of ident which has a consistence title or phrase that a suit of ident follows in order to give the channel a personality or brand. For example, Kerrang theme is ‘life is loud as the location shown was at the wedding gallery and on the street which is not usually loud. By this it creates humour to the channel as the character is used for comedy. Another ident that I was analysing BBC 1 theme is ‘oneness’ which is working in a group and gives realism. For MTV Classic theme is retro and technology has developed overtime for example, old and out of data technology come alive by the animation on the screen. This implies that music never gets old even though technology is changing. For channel 4 themes is space and time as in all idents the ‘4’ always revels itself at the end.

Similarity and difference for each channel has a different purpose in their suit of idents and them a certain theme which relate to the channel and audience. However the channels have slight similarity as the colours are bright and use primary colours such as, BBC colour is red and Kerrang colour is yellow. In each ident the theme has something to do with the channel identity for example BBC channel identity is ironic and relates to the context and purpose. Whereas channel 4 is tend to give a teaser of the logo at the end of each ident. By this explaining it channel 4 and BBC1 similarities is the both aimed to appeal to a more diverse and multi culture audience such as age 18+. The similarities between Kerrang and MTV Classic are both branding their channel as music channel and reflects on a specific genre  such as, rock and hip and urban.    

                                      Theme must appeal to the views

Theme must appeal to the views as it is important as they are the ones watching your channel and staying loyal to it. For example, channel 4 theme appeals to the viewers as it creates a particular tone for the audience which seen as an opportunity for the channel by expression their channel identity. The tone is quite playful, energetic and interactive. For Kerrang the theme relate to the audience through the tone which is comedic and humorousness as the characters plays in certain areas when it quite. As you know that the audience have a short attention span therefore it need to be entertaining for the audience. For MTV Classic the theme appeals to the audience as it nostalgic tone to the audience for example, turn an old equipment and brings alive. For BBC 1 theme appeals to the viewer by showing the realism with people of different sizes, ethnicity and ages.

Similarity and difference for each channel has a theme that appeal to the channel audience by grabbing their attention and tell the audience what channel is about and use a certain tone to tell a story. For example Karrang and MTV Classic have narrative behind it, whereas Channel 4 and BBC1 does not have strong narrative. However the differences are that they all have a different tone and aimed a specific audience. For example channel 4 and BBC1 for an older audience whereas, MTV and Kerrang is for a younger audience.

Theme creates brand loyalty by the channel

Theme creates brand loyalty by the channel being consistence with their ident for example,  BBC1 suit of ident appeal to the audience by incorporating demographic class. For the channel Karreang one thing that shows Karrang brand loyalty by having the same characters throughout the suits of ident and each one has a story behind it and it’s episodic by this it makes interesting to watch as the audience want to know what coming next. For the channel MTV as the music connect with audience as back time music equipment and brand identity is to bring everything alive and keep the same and throughout it creates continuity as the logo is shown at the end of the ident this helps endorse the channel by allowing audience to become more familiar with style and logo. Channel 4 theme creates brand loyalty with logo appearing at the end ident also reflecting the diversity by this it creates promotion word of mouth as it creates a memorable idea.

Similarity and difference for each channel that they have logo appear at the end of the ident which creates brand loyalty. Also shows continuity of the channel being consistent which creates brand loyalty and has theme of retro, life is loud, oneness and space and time.

Entertainment Led and some are Information Led.

Whiles doing my research from these 4 idents I found out that some of the idents are Entertainment Led and some are Information Led. For instance, BBC1 is both entertainment and information led as it suit the content as BBC1 programmes ha both information and entertainment such as BBC News, Eastenders and Sherlock. For the channel 4 is more informational led more than entertainment led as gives information about scheduling which can be limitation as there is demand and catch up TV.  For the channel Kerrang is more entertainment led that are mini stories by bring humour as attracted a young audience. For the channel MTV Classic is more entertainment led as it gives the audience a tastes of music is played on the channel but time is gives information about the songs and what’s up next.

For example, channel 4 Tokyo is set in the night which implies that that they showing not suitable programme for children. Whereas MTV suits of ident will be played throughout year such as summer it have idents that are bright and colour with certain music because it representing the channel and the brand identity. Whereas the channel Kerrang idents are made for a certain time day or time because they do not include seasonal theme. For BBC1 the new suit of ident does not have a certain time and ay that they might do a special which this particular ident will be played through the year.

Similarity and difference for each channel that they both creates idents for information led as channel 4 and BBC1 both are entertainment led as most of their programmes are informational led  as the both have international news. Whereas, Kerrang and MTV classic is more entertainment as it more Karrang is more childish and MTV classic has entertainment has bring that retro look and old school. Idents intended to be used at a particular time of year due to watershed as some programs are not allowed to be displayed on peek due to nudity and strong language. Another similarity and difference for each channel is that they all give a theme of the channel and brand identity by attracting a certain audience. However the tone and theme would be different is the design and concept and purpose of the channel.

The Suite of Idents Convey about the channel's Brand Identity

The suite of idents convey about the channel's Brand Identity for example, Kerrang has the same character throughout the suits of ident which convey about the channel brand identity as creates brand loyalty to the channel. For the BBC1 is the logo as it is place in bottom left of the screen with the title ‘oneness’ which shows the name of the channel by this the audience will recognise the channel. For example, channel 4 the logo is consistent throughout the suit of ident as created shapes to make the logo ‘4’. For MTV Classic the brand identity is the logo being the same throughout which brings out the youth and retro of the ident. By this it brings out the personality of the brand.

Similarity and difference for each channel for each channel the all have a different purpose for their ident to create personality of the channel due to the channel have more outlets such as BBC 1,2 and3 and for channel 4 they have 4 music, film 4 and E4 so it is important for the channel to have a logo that will stand out from the is rest of the outlet. However the similarity they have purpose and personality of their channel which tells the audience what the channel is about. The benefit is that the audience will recognise the channel. However the drawback is that the suit of ident all have to relate to the theme of the ident they cannot be all different it need to consistent throughout.

The Designed is very Effective when it comes to a Suits of Ident for a TV channel.

In every ident the designed is very effective when it comes to a suits of ident for a TV channel. For example, Channel 4 suits of ident the tempo and pace is mainly slow. Whereas the density on the screen is not much on the screen due to the logo is most important part due to the channel wants the audience to focus on the brand and logo of each idents. Another ident that is effective base on the suits of ident is BBC Oneness as the density on the screen is not that much as it also simple as the BBC concentrate on the typography as the logo is position in the middle of the screen. This allows the BBC to create channel identity and allows the BBC content. Another example is Kerrange that meets this point due to it grabs the audience attention with humour and with the typography is position on left hand of the ident. The pace is fast in the suits of idents. Lastly, another example I looked at was MTV classic as the pace of the suits ident was quite fast as well as the beat by this it keeps the audience interesting also the logo always shown at each idents.

Similarity and difference is that each ident is that the pace represent the theme for example, channel 4 pace is slow due to the theme is space and time. Another example is Kerrang pace is fast based on the theme is life is loud. However, the differences is that they have different brands so each channel idents is different to appeal to their specific ident.

The designed is Effective as the Suit of Idents communicates the Visual Information to a Non Visual audience.

In every Ident the designed is effective as the suit of idents communicates the visual information to a non-visual audience. For example, BBC 1 designed is effective by having a clear theme and tone that is consistence throughout the suits of idents. Another TV Channel that that has effective designed is MTV suits of idents appeals to the target audience tone is energetic and theme retro, by this provides information to the audience. Another TV Channel that that has effective designed is Kerrang as it appeals to the audiuce by having a tone which has humor and as theme is clear by this the audience will have a better understanding. Also Kerrang suits of ident have a hint of hyper-reality which allows them to be more creative and communicate the message to the audience better. Lastly, Another TV Channel that that has effective designed is Channel 4 being creative and telling audience what is  program up next. The typography is the 4 which is always position in the middle of the screen made up by shapes floating in the air. Pace is quite slow as it creates mystery of the channel. The information on the screen is not to much as it focus on one subject the logo or object. By having the same theme logo style it helps create brand loyalty as not changing and the audience can trust them.   

Similarity and difference is that each ident is that the all convey a message to their audience through their designed. By this it allows channel to communicate with audience through visual such as, typography, colour and pace. However, the differences is that they all have different purpose for their suits of idents as each channel's idents might betrayed a different message to the audience. For example, Kerrang suits of idents are more enthusiast whereas, Channel 4 suits of idents is more information base. Base on the designed of the suits of idents it will attracted different audiences  

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